Friday, November 23, 2007

Worst Diet Day... Thus far!!

I am literally dying with a headache today. I ended up caving and having a coffee.. I just couldn't stand it any longer, Headache went away for a short while. Now it's back!!

I starting eating a soup.. the sacred heart soup.. its apparently really low in calories.. and yummy.. it actually is yummy.. I was up until 1:30 in the morning making it just last night!! Apparently if you eat just the soup and fruits and veggies.. you will lose between 10-17 pounds in a week!!! ( I'm down with that)

If you want more specifics on the diet click on sacred heart soup

So I am not doing the entire diet.. just eating the soup cuase its Zero calories!!

Why can't We all just be able to eat whatever and stay trim.. its not fair!! Why isn't society like it used to be. I mean.. like old painting.. you see an old painting.... you don't see some skinny ass chick with perfectly round ta-ta's. You see a voluptous woman with Curves.. Not that I want to look like that.. I just wish it wasn't so taboo to be " bigger"!! I really just care to shed my fat around my mid section.

Why can't we all just eat a big fat juicy burger and stay skinny like Paris Hilton

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