Monday, December 17, 2007

First Day off the Front Desk..... and I am Covering the Front Desk!!??

Well.. talk about shitty.. I have been in this job for almost 2 years now.. and I finally get a job inside in accounts.. Great.. Fabulous... I love it..

All weekend I have been looking forward to coming to work on Monday.. don't hear that too often!!..But I really really was.. Starting a new job, going into a cubicle is not to fun.. I have a big beautiful office space right now.. but at least I won't have high traffic in my own little cubicle.. and plus I can decorate it.!! :)

So this morning st. john's is stormy and covered in a blanket of snow.. I come in.. and the person who is going into my old job is NOT IN!! Just perfect isn't it?? Now on my very first day on the new job.. I am out here covering the front desk... I seriously could cry!!

As for my weekend.. it was pretty eventful.. Friday night I spent at the Mall, then hanging out with our friends Mike and Nicole.. we went for a boot and then up to Signal Hill to see the sights..hahah.. Saturday was busy.. Miriya's birthday sleepover was that night so I spent the day preparing and the night was of course very colorful.. kids bleeding, crying, puking and having LOTS of fun.. I kept them busy with crafts, decorating a tree, playing games and watching Hairspray....

Yesterday I took Miriya, Crystal and Ashley to see Enchanted... What a wonderful Movie.. I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the night.. And no.. Not just because Patrick Dempsey was the lead... ok.. that was part of the reason.. But it was a great movie.. Disney of course.. lots of laughs and just.. wonderful in general.. I would seriously go see it again tonight if I could!

So far this morning I have put in 5 orders to caterplan for people, checked many boardrooms, directed several people to various locations... I am doing more front desk duties that usual thats for sure! On this stormy Monday morning I would love nothing more than to go home and crawl into bed.. to bad this is not waiting for me....


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thanks Cara... Something to Blog About!!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I like to wrap all my gifts, however.. I do put some last minute presents for the girls in pretty Christmas bags with lots of colored tissue paper.

2. real tree or artificial? unfortunately, artificial. When I was a kid my mom would always put up a real tree.. because it was a real on we didn't ever have a tree up before the 22nd. I like putting up my tree super early so I have to use a fake one.. and also.. the only year we did put up a real one, it was disaster.. !!

3. when do you put up the tree? Between Dec 1st and Dec 10.

4. when do you take the tree down? January 6th... one year I was lazy ass and didn't take it down till Feb!!

5. do you like eggnog? Yes.. but only the kind you get at the grocery store in a carton.. the real stuff makes me want to barf just at the sight of it!

6. favourite gift received as a child? Keyboard!!!
7. do you have a nativity scene? Yes.. a pewter set and a old school set

8. hardest person to buy for? Viki.. she is easy sometimes.. and hard sometimes.. but I guess shopping for other peoples kids is kind of hard too.. cause your thinking.. will they like this?? or will the parents be pissed that there is more toys around the house??

9. easiest person to buy for? Ashley and Miriya.. I know what they love!

10. worst Christmas gift you ever received? Its a toss up between Babysitters club stationary at age 15.. or the Brandon Walsh 90210 when i was 16!!.. ( i liked Luke perry!!) My friend Dave Crocker scraped off Brandon's eyebrows later! haha.. Funny thing, both of those gifts were from my moms friend who used to always give me $20 bucks for birthday and Christmas when I was a little kid when I probably would have preferred a toy or gift.. I hit 14 and she started sending these kinds of things..hahhah

11. mail or email Christmas cards?God.. I am terrible.. unless you live in st. john's or Stephenville.. you probably won't get a card!! I will email you one though..hahah..I just am TERRIBLE with mailing things

12. favourite Christmas movie? Garfield's Christmas Special.. I would watch it year round.. i had it taped off. .I really like the home alone movies too!!

13. when do you start shopping for Christmas? Um.. I bought 2 presents in October... but then slacked off until.. recently!! I always say I will be finished by DEC 1st EVERY YEAR.. but I'm never not..

14. have you ever recycled a Christmas present? A few things I am sure!!

5. favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Junk.. ahhaha .. and turkey dinner!

16 clear lights or colored on the tree? Color LED ones this year!

17. favourite Christmas song? Boney M Christmas Album all the way!!

18. travel at Christmas or stay home? home this year.. Hopefully Stephenville again before 2010!!!

19. can you name all of Santa's reindeer? you knows!!

20. angel on the tree top or a star? Angel this year.. usually I have a star but I bought a really nice angel for $2 at a yard sale in June!
21. Favorite Christmas Ornament? Lori gave me an Ingraved Mouse in a stocking .. It says Merry Christmas Nadine Jesso.. Christmas 1993!!

22. most annoying thing about this time of year? Money Stress..
23. best thing about this time of year? Being with Family and Friends.. and Everyone is Cheerful.. ( with the exception of walmart shoppers!!)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Smile!! Your on Courtroom Camera!

So... I was shocked to see an segment on the news the other evening about a man who the justice system just seems to be being a little too lenient on. The Gentleman had 18 Impaired driving convictions and still they were thinking of not taking his license away permanently?? I have a close friend who had 2 glasses of wine and drove a short distance, was pulled over.. blew 80mg on the breathalyser and ended up getting put in jail for the night and lost their license for a year!!!This Gem allegedly blew 160-mg!!!

Here is the article

A St. John’s man convicted of his 18th impaired driving charge received a 42-month sentence today in provincial court in St. John’s.Wayne Enos Stokes, 53, pleaded guilty to exceeding the legal blood alcohol level of 80-mg and failing to appear for a court date.He was also handed a lifetime driving prohibition — a first for this province.In November 2006, Stokes was pulled over by police who had received and anonymous tip and blew a breathalyzer reading of 160-mg.Two weeks ago, he failed to show up for his scheduled court appearance.Stokes’ impaired driving convictions date back to 1979. The last one — prior to today’s conviction — was in May 1996, when he was sentenced to three years in jail.Crown prosecutor Donovan Molloy called Stokes’ driving record “horrendous” and said it was “only by the grace of God he didn’t kill someone.”Molloy suggested a four-year jail term, while defence lawyer Kevin Baker asked for a two- to three-year sentence.In handing down his decision, Judge Greg Brown agreed with the Crown’s assessment of Stokes’ record and stressed the danger involved with drunk driving.While the court often shows leniency and understanding in many cases, Brown said, “these considerations have to take a back seat today.”“People have to realize that if they continue to drink and drive, they should expect a significant term in prison

So what do you think about that?? Ridiculous?? Hell yeah!!..

How do you picture this person.. Talk, Dark Handsome? Fat, Scuzzy and bowlegged?? Well-kept Clean cut Socialight??

I'll give you a few minutes to think that over..

Check him out..