Tuesday, September 25, 2007

God.. is it really Fall!!????

I love fall. It is my most favorite time of year. All the beautiful colors, the smell of wood stoves a blazen, the crisp fresh air..ahh.. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.. With the exception of the fact that our neighbour has 3 HUGE trees in his yard.. pretty convenient that all the leaves all fall in our backyard. grrrrrrr

So I also love fall because I always feel like its the best time for a fresh start. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that I went to school every year in September and tried to start a new year with a new attitude, or starting college in September with that same notion. I just always try to start new things this time of year and stay at it. I recently starting swimming a few nights a week with my daughter, trying to eat healthy meals as a family, not just for me, and I am really trying hard to stay focused on my Diet. I have to be in a wedding in March and I really don't want to look like a hippopotamus trying to pass itself off as a bridesmaid.

So other than that I have been working, trying to see my friends as often as I can, and keep out of trouble. I am doing the St. John Ambulance course tomorrow all day through work.. that should be fun!!! I have a new secret goal now but I can't leak out to much info right now because that might just end up going down the tubes as well. Keep reading and you will find out one day soon.


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