I have been looking at sites such as perez hilton and others for so long and I think they are sooo funny. My friend Cara and I used to make funny little collages for each other back in college and Perez reminds me so much of the stuff we used to do. What we would do is get a picture of ourselves or someone else, center the photo, and then cut out funny pictures, ugly guys, hot chicks etc.. from magazines and post them around the photo and write funny little captions.. I still have a very funny one that Cara did for me. It was called. " If i was Nadine's man what would I do for her" .. or something along those lines.. it was brilliant!!
Last night we were talking about that we should do our own version of perez hilton!! I think most people probably wouldn't get it.!! ( we're pretty fucked up right!!) I don't think we would be as insulting as perez.. however the humar might be a little hard to get if your not down with the Caper/Newfie lingo..
Here's my shot at it!!! hehehe
Little Gucci Alien
Posh Spice
ok.. I am sorry.. but I think this girl is Nasty.. Probably cause my daughter had a posh doll and naked with just out of the tub hair, trust me.. It was nasty.. she looks so alien like.. no wonder Tom lets Katie run around with her.. I used this photo because its one of the rare Posh Smiling pic.. I would Be grinning ear to ear 24/7.. with Beck waiting home for me!!!
Brokeback KD
Its a good look for her.....just like it was a good look for los lobos??
Drip Drip... Squish??
Thats the sound of... the caterpillars crawling across Clays forehead.. nice brows!! Like who is this guys trying to kid.. I don't care how man makeovers this guys gets he still screams GEEK.. I think he's a perfect combination of Ron Howard, Micheal Dukakis and Fido Dido!! I Would kill to
see that performance he did of unchained melody again.. " I NEEEEEEEEEEED your love" ... that face on him!!!!! hahahahah
Texas toast with extra butter
There is nothing I hate more than those set up hot shots.. like.. standing in front of a green screen, covered in chicken oil and sprayed down with orange Halloween hairspray look. Jessica Simpson trying to look sexy just doesn't fly with me.. Give it, the girl pretty much has the perfect body and great hair( and chops on her like Mr. Ed), but those kind of pics don't work for me now that I have seen her reality show.. Fart'n and Burping and scratching her ass around the house. and what with the diabetes pendant?? another endorsement??
Oh.. and here is Jessica's mom.. er I mean grandma.. I mean.. Mr. Ed's other daughter...
Faith Hill...
Paula of the Idol
Ok.. anyone see Planet of the Apes??? It's funny that Mark Wahlberg hasn't tried to hook up with Ms. Simon Cowell because Holy Shit.. does she ever look like the Female ape that he bangs in Planet of the apes.. oh.. and this is what she looks like without makeup
Rainbow Fright
Really.. the girl needs a little color don't you think..she might stand out a little more
Eva.. Plain
yes.. plain Eva, extra eye bags, stash, throw on a few blemishes around the hairline and you got... A regular girl!!Really.. does she look that different.. ummm.. .lets see...
She might want to also watch out for Marky Mark!!
Dirty Screech...seriously??
Ok.. its ok for Pam and Tommy, Paris, god.. even the guy from Creed.. but Screech??? NO.. thats just wrong.. and that he lets the chick take a crap and uses it to draw a moustache on her??? whats with that?? I haven't seen it but I have heard about his whole " dirty Sanchez" move?? For the love of god.. I liked him a lot better when he was just a geek in love with a turtle!!
Ok.. Thats my go at it!!! I had alot of interuptions so I wasn't very focused.. I'll do better next time..
i never heard nuttin bout screech, fill me in.
oh i wish i had those collages now, so funny.
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