Monday, January 22, 2007

A few tales about "Bangs"

So I cut my hair. Nothing too drastic. Just a little bang to make a change. I haven't had anything different done with my hair in years.. since the last time I cut a bang actually. I thought I would post a little picture to show. I do like it but its a little bit of maintenance in the morning. It will grow fast. I have been complimented on the cut over 100 times here at work. People seem to love it. I even had a gentleman who is rather quiet and contrary tell me it looked pretty!! Shocking.. and another lady asked me if it was my "real hair??" I couldn't believe it. She thought I had extensions.. A haircut.. just a small bang.. and she thinks I got extensions???

So other than that the only exciting news I have is that I got into a car accident. Only a small one, Wasn't our fault. Here is the story. My Friend Cara and I decided to start walking a couple of times a week to get a little flab off our arses. We unfortunately picked a rather snowy evening for it.( This was last Tuesday night) We had my husband meet us on Military road after he picked up my daughter from Brownies. Cara and I were strolling along like children in the snow when dale pulled up somewhere before Moo Moo's but after the Basilica. We jumped in the car quickly because there was traffic coming. We hadn't even had our seat belts on at this point because we were discussing if we should go to the Bannerman park playground or just go back to Cara's when BANG!!! A van hit us out of nowhere. I was in shock.. I didn't know what the hell happened.. Did Dale hit someone? Did we hit a pothole, person, another car?? what the hell is going on is all that I could think.. we were literally in the car 10 seconds. All I could hear was my daughter Screeching in the front seat and then a man was looking at me through my window. Cara and Myself were in the backseat, Miriya in the front and Dale driving. I was afraid to open my door as I thought it might have been totally smashed up.. I opened it and got out and the damage looked minimal.. However.. to me it looked like whoever hit us had took off... seeing the only other vehicle around us was a van that looked like they pulled up behind us to see if we were OK ( the man who had looked in my window) I am freaking out saying " they took off, oh my god.. they just took off " and then after calming down I figured out that the gentleman was the person who hit us.. Long story short. We were heading toward Bannerman Park, He was heading toward the Basilica, His car fishtailed out and he spun around Hitting us and landing directly behind our car!! Luckily he didn't hit us front on because it would have caused more damage, but where he his our back door on the drivers side, where I was sitting, I was jolted across the backseat, spilling my coffee and landing on top of Cara basically. My back was really sore that night and even worst the next day. Now I still am pretty stiff.. We contacted our insurance company and gave them all the information.. that the man had given us.. he knew at the time it was his fault so he wasn't hard to deal with AT ALL. Now.. Here it is almost a week later and he still hasn't reported the accident to his insurance company.. We were pretty worried he was trying to skeeve us out.. but we called him this morning and he was waiting for us to get some quotes so he could pay for the damage and not go through the insurance company at all. At least we have some word now though..See, we are accident virgins.. We don't know anything about these situations.. All we know is: call the insurance company, Report the accident to the police.. Other than that we are Green.. Hopefully it all works out in the end. and when I say end, I mean our car fixed by the END of the week!!!

So this Picture here to the right is what I was thinking about using for the arts and letters competition this year. I took the pic of my Daughters friend Megan. I wanted to get a close up of this bug eye thing she does that I think is so hilarious. I snapped the shot and when I opened it up on the computer I noticed that My Daughter was also in the shot... Off in the distance sucking on her lolly pop, hand on hip.. It struck my as very funny. I cropped it square and thought it looked great!! I am still not sure though.. very indecisive I is!!!!

1 comment:

Crafty Missus said...

i, on the other hand was very graceful during said accident. i didn't even spill my tea, inspite of no having on my seatbelt (dumb girls) and having you thrown into my lap.
happy to be your landing pad, anytime.
when ia the arts and letters deadline? i got to get me arse in gear!